Evolve Face5T WIFI connection
Connecting WIFIUse the touch screen panel on the Evolve Face 5T go to COMM check the comms are showing Device 1 and Local Mode. COMM-COMM
Go to the Ethernet Tab and make sure ETHERNET TCIP is turned OFF. Now you can connect the WIFI.
ENABLE – YES SEARCH – RELEVENT WIFI NAME, ENTER WIFI PASSWORD DCHP – YES IP ADDRESS – Auto Selected. You will need to setup the devices with Evolve AAS access control software,
Enter IP Address if that is shown on the Evolve Face5T device, Add number Device Management new device as or AUTO IP Number please do not enter if the last 3 points only show 1 number please only enter one number as following or NOT or
On device management click check online this will auto scan the IP when connected it will read Device connect is OK.
If you have a dedicated WIFI IP address you can select DCHP switched OFF and enter your own IP address from your network
You can use Microsoft Command Prompt to check IP connectivity.
Please refer to the WIFI user manual for more information and technical support.